Mirror Images

Lesbos refugees Life jackets and deflated dinghies left behind by refugees and migrants are seen on the roadside near a beach on Lesbos (Dimitris Michalakis/Reuters) Copy of gallagher10                      Disappearing, environmental installation on the Northern beach of Taiwan by Yiren Gallagher.The children cloth symbolized the young life lost in Bangladesh cyclonic of 1991.

In Object Lesson, an article published by New York Time Magazine Teju Cole wrote: … Objects, sometimes more powerfully than faces, remind us of what was and no longer is; stillness, in photography, can be more affecting than action. This is in part because of the respectful distance that a photograph of objects can create between the one who looks, far from the place of trouble, and the one whose trouble those objects signify. But it is also because objects are reservoirs of specific personal experience, filled with the hours of some person’s life. They have been touched, or worn through use. They have frayed, or been placed just so.