Letter To A Young Collector

Sep 1, 2015

The woman from AHHA told us, you bought the drawing: Moth. You are one of the students from Riverfield Country Day School who visited our installation two days ago.  Your lovely teacher Mrs. Lindsey Watts took you guys to the gallery to see the exhibition and to meet James Gallagher, one of the artists who created the show.

I could not be there because I too am a teacher and had to work that day. I have seen pictures sent to me and I am intrigued by the presence of young students sketching in the gallery, using our art as inspiration.  Are you one of the students sitting in front of a drawing? What are you sketching? Do you have any questions about this moth? This is a big moth that appeared from nowhere and stayed with us for a while when we built the wood gate house outside the gallery. Moth to me is a hard to pin point insect, a loner (especially when it rests on a wall), a moon creature, and a mystery.  I think of “moth-er” a lot, this playing with words, such as butter-fly gives me some free association, for I, in a totally different context, miss my mother.

The AHHA lady has mentioned that you spent all the money you saved plus some of your father’s money to buy this humble piece of art. And YOU put the red dot on it. I imagine you had to count your money, think over why you want to own this drawing, and talk to your parents first.  Finally, you decided it was worth it to have this art. I am so amazed by your sensibility and the depth of your appreciation. I am also so proud to call you my young collector.  I am sure ART (not only this piece) will bring you joy and comfort for years to come.

I hope the world in the future will provide you, the students from Riverfield, from every corners of the globe, a safe place in EVERY POSSIBLE WAYS for everyone to grow, to learn, to share, to ponder, and to enjoy. Thank you for reminding me as an artist, a teacher, and a mother, to appreciate what I have in front of me.  Have a great school year and delightful journey, enjoying beauty and nature!

Sincerely yours,

Yiren Gallagher

IMG_4286 moth